Die Ferengi
Ferengi Schriften bestehen schon etwa 20000 Jahre, wobei sie desööfteren erneürt und verbessert wurden. Im fren existieren, wie in anderen Sprachen auch, verschiedene Dialekte und verschiedene Schriftarten. Die hier gezeigte Schriftart und Sprache ist der am haeufigsten benutzte Dialekt, aehnlich dem "Hochdeutsch" in Deutschland.

5.01 Ferengi Alphabet

Ferengi-Buchstaben haben eine ganz bestimmte Reihenfolge, und jeder Buchstabe hat einen numerischen Wert und einen Namen. Hier sind alle Buchstaben aufgeführt, beginnend mit der linken Seite, dann mit der rechten.

Buchstabe  Name    Wert                 Buchstabe  Name    Wert
p          /pe/       0                 G          /Gi/    20^5
D          /Di/       1                 f          /fy/    20^6
g          /ga/       2                 u          /un/    20^7
C          /Co/       3                 U          /Up/    20^8
t          /ta/       4                 h          /h^q/   20^9
k          /ki/       5                 K          /KaN/   20^10
s          /sa/       6                 M          /edM/   20^11
z          /zi/       7                 oo         /oox/   20^12
m          /mO/       8                 o          /oj/    20^13
N          /Na/       9                 Q          /Qo/    20^14
n          /ne/      10                 y          /yt/    20^15
w          /wi/      11                 &          /&T/    20^16
v          /vo/      12                 b          /bZa/   20^17
x          /xe/      13                 P          /Pu/    20^18
j          /j&/      14                 ee         /eeS/   20^19
d          /dy/      15                 e          /eZ/    20^-1
V          /Ve/      16                 B          /BEt/   20^-2
S          /sa/      17                 Z          /Zr/    20^-3
q          /qu/      18                 l          /laj/   20^-4
X          /Xa/      19                 ii         /ija/   20^-5
aa         /aaq/     Ordnungszahl       i          /is/    20^-6
?          /?E?/   20^1                 %          /%z/    20^-7
H          /Hu/    20^2                 T          /Tin/   20^-8
r          /ref/   20^3                 a          /ad/    20^-9
R          /Ri/    20^4                 @          /puko/  Radius
Ein UUEncoded GIF vom Ferengi-Alphabet kann bei 'millert@grad.csee.usf.edu' angefordert werden.
5.02 Wörter-Lexikon
Dieses Wörter-Lexikon besteht aus

  • English                                                Ferengi

    0                                    pen
    1                                    Din
    10                                   ned
    11                                   wix
    12                                   vog
    13                                   xee
    14                                   j&t
    15                                   dy
    16                                   Vet
    17                                   San
    18                                   qun
    19                                   Xaw
    2                                    gid
    3                                    Ca
    4                                    tal
    5                                    kip
    6                                    saa
    7                                    zik
    8                                    mo
    9                                    Nat
    act, do, action                      n
    adjective                            Rysq#s
    adverb                               anRysq#s
    after                                pafn
    again                                gmeef
    agree, agreement                     &k
    all of, every                        kyf
    allow, permission                    Zd
    alone                                sEn
    also                                 xuult
    always                               paag
    and                                  wen, -wn
    area, integral [math], zone, f       vrD
    ask, qüstion                        zil
    be able, can, ability                St
    be necessary, necessity              zg
    because                              wxan
    before                               XxaT
    behind                               pefn
    belonging to/part of (adj)           -gy
    belonging to/part of (noun)          -gi
    bite                                 Gwl
    black grain                          VaN
    broken, break                        bkpt
    but                                  imp
    buy, purchase                        il
    cause                                vz
    circle, surround                     kdR
    common                               n&T
    compute, calculate, calculatio       atsl
    conjunction                          wen#s
    count, number                        tsl
    deal                                 f&k
    diminutive                           -iG
    ear                                  sz
    earn, wage, salary                   qsf
    earth                                erT
    eat, food                            wl
    educate, education                   bst
    emphasis, augmentative               -vt
    enclosure, container                 ryZ
    equals, results in, result           stum
    ever                                 spi
    exist, existence                     sxt
    family, familial                     VEd
    father, preside (over)               negs
    federation                           fed
    feed                                 txwl
    ferengi (culture)                    feren, fren
    few                                  fis
    flashing code                        bzal
    for                                  xex
    friend, friendly                     itl
    from                                 ti
    front                                XxT
    gather, group                        dTb
    get, acquire, obtain, acquisit       dk
    give, donation                       tx
    go, travel, trip, excursion          sl
    good, goodness                       ps
    hand                                 kax
    happy, happiness                     is
    have a meal, meal                    wdTb
    have, possession                     m
    here, this place                     w
    home of                              -gal
    how (by what means)                  a?
    how (in what manner)                 az
    how much                             Ng
    human                                hjum
    if                                   midk
    iff, if and only if                  adMk
    imply, implication                   studM
    in front of                          XxeT
    in, inside                           hoj
    inner peace, economic status         kin
    instinct, instinctive                fthg
    interjection                         kj#vt
    it/they (indefinate)                 pwaT
    keep (an item), protect              ekf
    keep (state), maintain               ntg
    klingon                              tTiN
    last                                 fn
    learn, knowlege                      pS
    light, illuminate                    Nin
    love, like, fondness                 idl
    make, product                        eek
    man                                  nkz
    many                                 Goz
    middle                               as
    money                                bv
    more                                 gelm
    mother, give birth (to)              kTp
    name                                 dZfk
    need                                 lf
    no                                   pax
    none of                              puk
    not all of                           gip
    noun                                 vGj#v
    obstruct, interfere, obstacle        ik
    one who does/performs (action)       -ple
    only                                 kaaj
    only                                 kjy
    oomax                                uumaks
    open                                 ndf
    opportunity, opportunistic           C
    or (excl)                            mala
    or (incl)                            lala
    parent, care (for)                   kTis
    person                               pfat
    plus                                 wan
    postposition, suffix                 pfn#k
    preposition                          XxT#v
    profit                               bj
    punish, punishment                   dxn
    quantifier                           tsl#t
    qüstion word                        zil#vt
    read                                 d
    rear, back                           pfn
    receive, receipt, reception          Xuj
    red, redness                         Gal
    revolve, rotate, rotation            glg
    romulan                              Rihaan
    school                               bst#ple
    see, sight                           v
    sell, sale                           k?
    simple, simplicity                   bt
    sir, mister                          blk
    sit, set, seat                       arf
    smell, detect odor, nose             Xtvk
    smell, have odor, odor               Xkvg
    some of                              Zrn
    speak, speech, language              pZ
    spend (money), expense               xD
    steadfast, strong, unbreakable       pik
    strike, kit                          vw
    study, academic subject              pf
    substance, tangible                  vGj
    take                                 sj
    teach                                gepS
    than                                 joN
    that/which (subordinating)           stuS
    then (implies)                       studM
    thing                                dak
    to, in the direction of              isi
    trade                                fet
    trait, exhibit (trait)               Rysq
    under, below                         uf
    valü                                spm
    VaN bread                            VaNgw
    verb                                 n#k
    want, desire                         mn
    what (action, concept)               d&s
    what (inanimate, thing)              am
    what (instrument)                    uq
    wheel around, wheel                  kdglg
    when                                 in
    when (subordinating)                 qan
    where                                pk
    which                                kl
    who, whom (affected)                 mw
    who, whom (affector)                 ug
    why                                  pod
    work                                 ken
    write, text                          pj
    yes                                  ki
    yes on the contrary                  kis

    Ferengi                                                English

    &k                                   agree, agreement
    -gal                                 home of
    -gi                                  belonging to/part of (noun)
    -gy                                  belonging to/part of (adj)
    -iG                                  diminutive
    -ple                                 one who does/performs (action)
    -vt                                  emphasis, augmentative
    a?                                   how (by what means)
    adMk                                 iff, if and only if
    am                                   what (inanimate, thing)
    anRysq#s                             adverb
    arf                                  sit, set, seat
    as                                   middle
    atsl                                 compute, calculate, calculatio
    az                                   how (in what manner)
    bj                                   profit
    bkpt                                 broken, break
    blk                                  sir, mister
    bst                                  educate, education
    bst#ple                              school
    bt                                   simple, simplicity
    bv                                   money
    bzal                                 flashing code
    C                                    opportunity, opportunistic
    Ca                                   3
    d                                    read
    d&s                                  what (action, concept)
    dak                                  thing
    Din                                  1
    dk                                   get, acquire, obtain, acquisit
    dTb                                  gather, group
    dxn                                  punish, punishment
    dy                                   15
    dZfk                                 name
    eek                                  make, product
    ekf                                  keep (an item), protect
    erT                                  earth
    f&k                                  deal
    fed                                  federation
    feren, fren                          ferengi (culture)
    fet                                  trade
    fis                                  few
    fn                                   last
    fthg                                 instinct, instinctive
    Gal                                  red, redness
    gelm                                 more
    gepS                                 teach
    gid                                  2
    gip                                  not all of
    glg                                  revolve, rotate, rotation
    gmeef                                again
    Goz                                  many
    Gwl                                  bite
    hjum                                 human
    hoj                                  in, inside
    idl                                  love, like, fondness
    ik                                   obstruct, interfere, obstacle
    il                                   buy, purchase
    imp                                  but
    in                                   when
    is                                   happy, happiness
    isi                                  to, in the direction of
    itl                                  friend, friendly
    j&t                                  14
    joN                                  than
    k?                                   sell, sale
    kaaj                                 only
    kax                                  hand
    kdglg                                wheel around, wheel
    kdR                                  circle, surround
    ken                                  work
    ki                                   yes
    kin                                  inner peace, economic status
    kip                                  5
    kis                                  yes on the contrary
    kj#vt                                interjection
    kjy                                  only
    kl                                   which
    kTis                                 parent, care (for)
    kTp                                  mother, give birth (to)
    kyf                                  all of, every
    lala                                 or (incl)
    lf                                   need
    m                                    have, possession
    mala                                 or (excl)
    midk                                 if
    mn                                   want, desire
    mo                                   8
    mw                                   who, whom (affected)
    n                                    act, do, action
    n#k                                  verb
    n&T                                  common
    Nat                                  9
    ndf                                  open
    ned                                  10
    negs                                 father, preside (over)
    Ng                                   how much
    Nin                                  light, illuminate
    nkz                                  man
    ntg                                  keep (state), maintain
    paag                                 always
    pafn                                 after
    pax                                  no
    pefn                                 behind
    pen                                  0
    pf                                   study, academic subject
    pfat                                 person
    pfn                                  rear, back
    pfn#k                                postposition, suffix
    pik                                  steadfast, strong, unbreakable
    pj                                   write, text
    pk                                   where
    pod                                  why
    ps                                   good, goodness
    pS                                   learn, knowlege
    puk                                  none of
    pwaT                                 it/they (indefinate)
    pZ                                   speak, speech, language
    qan                                  when (subordinating)
    qsf                                  earn, wage, salary
    qun                                  18
    Rihaan                               romulan
    Rysq                                 trait, exhibit (trait)
    Rysq#s                               adjective
    ryZ                                  enclosure, container
    saa                                  6
    San                                  17
    sEn                                  alone
    sj                                   take
    sl                                   go, travel, trip, excursion
    spi                                  ever
    spm                                  valü
    St                                   be able, can, ability
    studM                                imply, implication
    studM                                then (implies)
    stum                                 equals, results in, result
    stuS                                 that/which (subordinating)
    sxt                                  exist, existence
    sz                                   ear
    tal                                  4
    ti                                   from
    tsl                                  count, number
    tsl#t                                quantifier
    tTiN                                 klingon
    tx                                   give, donation
    txwl                                 feed
    uf                                   under, below
    ug                                   who, whom (affector)
    uq                                   what (instrument)
    uumaks                               oo-mox
    v                                    see, sight
    VaN                                  black grain
    VaNgw                                VaN bread
    VEd                                  family, familial
    Vet                                  16
    vGj                                  substance, tangible
    vGj#v                                noun
    vog                                  12
    vrD                                  area, integral [math], zone, f
    vw                                   strike, kit
    vz                                   cause
    w                                    here, this place
    wan                                  plus
    wdTb                                 have a meal, meal
    wen#s                                conjunction
    wen, -wn                             and
    wix                                  11
    wl                                   eat, food
    wxan                                 because
    Xaw                                  19
    xD                                   spend (money), expense
    xee                                  13
    xex                                  for
    Xkvg                                 smell, have odor, odor
    Xtvk                                 smell, detect odor, nose
    Xuj                                  receive, receipt, reception
    xuult                                also
    XxaT                                 before
    XxeT                                 in front of
    XxT                                  front
    XxT#v                                preposition
    Zd                                   allow, permission
    zg                                   be necessary, necessity
    zik                                  7
    zil                                  ask, qüstion
    zil#vt                               qüstion word
    Zrn                                  some of


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